Why Choose Utica National for Your Agents' E&O?

Utica National has provided Agents’ Errors and Omissions (E&O) coverage continuously for over 50 years. We continually improve our program to protect the assets and reputation you worked so hard to build.

Real Time, Quick Premium Indication
The quickest and easiest way to get started now!

3 simple steps to receiving a real time premium indication for your errors and omissions coverage.

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We've made the application process faster and easier than ever! (For new applicants only).

Start an E&O Application »

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Here are just 10 of the reasons you should choose us.

  1. Asset and Reputation Protection. We defend claims vigorously to help protect what you have established. We engage top litigators experienced in working with Agents’ E&O to provide you the best prospects for success.
  2. Longevity. We’ve acquired tremendous knowledge since 1966, especially in areas such as agents’ liability, which continues to grow more complicated in today’s legal environment.
  3. Solid Coverage. No two errors and omissions policies are alike. We can help you spot even subtle differences so you can make the best decision for your agency.
  4. Dedicated Claims Specialists. Our staff only handles Agents’ E&O professional liability. Having considerable proficiency requires thousands of hours of dedicated time and the opportunity to work in one area of expertise with laser focus. Our specialists put more than 100 years of combined experience in resolving E&O claims to work for you.
  5. Direct Access to Underwriters and Claim Specialists. When you need input regarding an E&O exposure or potential claim situation, you can speak to an underwriter or claims representative. They are here to answer your questions and may be able to help address issues before they become problems
  6. Leading-Edge Risk Management. We work with agents’ associations and talk with policyholders to identify and address emerging issues and trends that may affect you. We deliver risk management strategies that mitigate loss potential. Our program results in a competitive, consistent and predictable E&O product.
  7. Accountability. If there’s ever an issue, you can contact anyone at Utica National – from our claims and underwriting manager to any senior officer, including our president and CEO.
  8. Mergers and Acquisitions. We have numerous tail options and provide counsel and peace of mind when you’re planning to retire, purchase or sell, or when you’re considering any perpetuation opportunities.
  9. Multiple Payment Options.  We have flexible payment options that do not require financing or interest charges.
  10. The Numbers. More than 10,000 agents have placed their trust in their state association and Utica National’s Agents’ E&O program.

Partner with Us to Bring Your Agency to the Next Level.


This is a summary of coverage and services. The precise coverage is subject to the actual terms and conditions of the insurance policy. Not all coverages are available in all states.